Monday, January 19, 2009

Keyboard is fixed!!

I got my computer back!!! For those of you who didn't know, I carelessly spilled milk on my keyboard while feeding Adella and checking e-mail. So I was trying to manage three things at once, Tim is always reminding me that I am not the best at multitasking, which I find hard to believe because I do it all day!

Anyway, the holidays were so fun but we're glad they're over and that were back to normal life. Adella and I started some "Mommy and Me" classes. We do yoga once a week, and a baby boot camp down at the beach twice a week. So we stay pretty busy. They have Mom movie Mondays at our local theatre, so I was able to take Adella to the movies for the first time too. 

Adella is getting SO BIG and has developed her own little personality. She loves to play with toys and always wants to "stand". No one is funnier than Tim, all she has to do is look at him and she cracks up. Her laugh is the cutest thing in the world!

Here are a few pics from this past week!

She LOVES this toy, Greg calls it the "circle of neglect" I might agree... but it gives me a few minutes to get things done!
She is already in a walker, not quite walking but loves the toys


Michelle said...

Cute pics Lex. I can't believe how big she is getting! Ha, that's so funny (well, not really) that you spilled milk on your keyboard. A few months ago I did the exact same thing! I was working while having cookies and milk... and of course I spilled it on my laptop! Good thing they were able to fix it :)

Courtney said...

she's huge. and im mad I haven't seen her in forever. anytime you want to visit that'd be great!

ps. you need to make a video of her soon with the facebook video messages. miss you guys!


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