Monday, May 30, 2011

Busy Bee's

The past few weeks have been filled with visits from many family members, and we are so happy that everyone has been able to come out and see us. Traveling with 2 little ones is a whole different story, and unfortunately can't happen as often as it did before. Baby "Olibya" graced us with her presence all last week, and she brought her parents along too. Small detail. Adella adored her, and Nolan just thought she was another toy to toss around. Unfortunately we were hit with a week of "May Gray" but we did our best to keep the kids entertained and even made it for a day at Disney. The pictures below were taken with my iPhone, so they are not of the best quality. This has turned out to be one of the downfalls of owning an iPhone... the convenience of snapping quick photo's and e-mailing them, has outweighed the inconvenience of pulling out the big cannon and waiting 25 minutes for them to download.

Adella likes to "pat" babies
Upon entering the realm of Small World.... I know this is a weird picture of me, but in case you were wondering where Nolan's gorgeous chin came from.... poor kid.

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