I know I have been a BAD BLOGGER.... we have been SOO busy lately that it has been difficult to find time to update our blog. Where to begin....
We are happily moved and mostly settled in our new house. We started furnishing and working on small projects here and there, and it is really starting to feel like home. I will upload house pics soon.
Somehow I started working again, only now as a Wardrobe Stylist. I got in with an agency and basically borrow or buy clothes from different designers to dress models/musicians/actors for whatever the project may be. It's been mostly magazines since I have started. I really enjoy styling, and I am able to schedule everything around the days that Tim is home. It's nice to get the creative juices flowing again and I work with a great team of artists. I will be launching a website soon of all my work and will be sure to let everyone know when that happens.
The pregnancy is going really well and really fast. I've got about 6 more weeks till the due date. We started working on his room and need just a few finishing touches. We still need to get a bunch of baby "stuff", as I made the mistake of getting everything pink for Adella.... I took full advantage of having a girl :)! He is really active and it feels like there is a little alien in there, sometimes I feel like he is trying to push his way out. At this point I am getting in to the really uncomfortable stage. I feel heavy, and exhausted all the time! I am going to be starting my "maternity leave" from styling, so that I can focus on getting everything ready for him and try to get a few more projects done around the house.
Here is a recent pic of Adella with her friend Devon. She gets a little obnoxious when I ask her to say "cheese" over and over again...

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