Tim had to work today so Adella and I went up to the firehouse to celebrate Thanksgiving with everyone on Tim's shift and their families. The food was AMAZING, the best Thanksgiving dinner I have ever had. It was so nice to relax on a lazy boy and watch all of them cook and clean, also had a bunch of babysitters so I was really able to relax. This was probably the best way to spend a holiday!
It was a hectic day though, and I apologize for not being able to talk to anyone today. Between baking pies and getting the both of us ready to drive an hour an a half (Adella HATES her carseat, driving anywhere is a nightmare) I barely had a minute to do anything. But we made it up there with out hitting much traffic, and Adella did OK in the car... the ride home was a different story. I was able to feed her in the dorm at the firehouse, in another awesome lazy boy, and she even napped through the bell going off a few times!
Tomorrow we will be spending the day packing and trying to calm Lexi down, as I am getting so nervous about flying! But we are all excited to head off to Hawaii. This will probably be the last post for a couple weeks, so this is why I am staying up WAY past my bedtime to get a few pictures out to everyone. I wish I would have remembered to get pictures of our spread, but I think with my tummy in times of hunger...
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!

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