From one birthday to another.... Nolan is 1!!! The morning of the big day, Nolan was greeted with brightly wrapped gifts, decorations, and a floor covered in balloons, which proved to be more entertaining than any other gift. We celebrated Nolan's first birthday by spending the morning at Pretend City in Irvine. It's a children's museum that is a small city inside a warehouse type building, where kids can run around and explore different exhibits, such as a grocery store, farm, firehouse, police station, etc. His most favorite thing to do is pull every toy out of the play room and sort things around the house, so we knew letting him loose in Pretend City would be a hit. I wish I could say this was his first time trying cake, but having an older sibling who LOVES cake made that impossible. But it was his first gourmet cupcake. :)