Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010

Tim was lucky enough to have Christmas eve and day off this year, so we spent Christmas eve with his family at our house and day with my family. We worked on prepping Adella for Santa all month so she was thrilled to come down Christmas morning to see all the presents, and snow, that Santa left. It has been a busy week with all of our family in town , we are all exhausted but it was so fun. And what would a holiday be without a cold making its rounds in the house!? Tim was so sick that he ended up spending most of Christmas day away from the madness and in bed... hmmm....

She even thought it was cold...

We plan to get Olivia a drum set next year.

already fighting... over an Escalade.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

4 Months

I am behind on the blogging lately, as it's been crazy with visitors and the holiday. But here is Nolan's 4 month photo, a little over due, but still so cute! He can now roll over and is probably the happiest baby I have ever seen. He is always smiling and giggling, his laugh is similar to Adella's deep belly laughs. The only thing we're struggling with is sleeping... the boy doesn't sleep. But he is happy... all the time! We plan to start him on solids sooner than Adella did, to hopefully help with sleeping at night. uhg. Also, for those of you that we're familiar with my struggle with a nasty staph infection, I am happy to announce that after 4 long months I am cured! And still nursing! Look at that bebe.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"uh oh where'd my woo go?"

Is all I have been hearing since woo left :(. Lauren (aka "Woo") and I have been friends since 3rd grade, I won't mention the number of years that is because it kind of freaks me out that we are getting so old. Anyway, she came out for a last minute surprise visit for a few days this past week and we had so much fun running around and playing with the kids. Woo is attending grad school at Harvard, my girl is wicked smaht, and she brought the kids some cute Harvard gear and books, pics to follow... It was SO great to see her as we are both so busy now, these special visit are hard to come by. Now if only the rainy weather we've been having and my adorable babes can convince her to move out...

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Nolan is usually in the Bjorn a good part of the day, thank god for it. This is the second time he has ever fallen asleep in it... and he still manages to keep a good grip!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The hunt for the perfect tree

We are VERY particular about picking out the perfect Christmas tree every year. We would never go with a fake, and still don't understand why anyone would, even if it is "eco-friendly". It's just not the same with a fake one. But I would like to have 2 tree's, a kid tree and a fancy one that I can go crazy with. So maybe at the end of the season we'll pick up an obnoxious fake one for the front living room next year. Speaking of "eco-friendly", there is a new service that I heard about recently, where you can rent a living tree that's potted. They will deliver it for you and you can even get the same tree each year! I think it's only for people in the LA area, but maybe next year someone in OC will pick up on the trend. That would be pretty cool to have the same tree each year. There are a few places that you can cut your own, but we end up going to the same lot every year, where the tree's are brought down from Oregon and the workers are shipped in from the midwest..... not sure about other area's but they are like carnies around here. Anyway, here are a few pictures from the hunt. I still haven't had a chance to finish decorating, so those pictures will come later.

Adella wanted the "baby" one...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Circle of Neglect

... has been introduced! Hopefully it will bring Nolan the same joy that it did Adella when she was around the same age. Check out his initial reaction below.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Santa's Message to Adella

Got this e-mail today from Santa for Adella... because Santa sends e-mails now! We had to watch it 34342678934 times.

click here!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Maple Tree

A little piece of New England in our front yard. It's finally starting to turn colors, and that's about all we need!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Bath

Bath time is a fun but daunting task each night. Nolan likes to relieve himself a number of times and we have to be careful not be in the landing zone, sometimes it gets really messy. But there is nothing cuter than two little kids in the tub. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


The elf is on the shelf. I couldn't wait till Adella was old enough to start this tradition, and we we're lucky enough to be given a copy of "The Elf on the Shelf" from my parents next door neighbor. For those of you not familiar with the book, the elf is basically Santa's spy and watches to make sure the kids are behaving. Each night the elf returns to the north pole to update Santa, and in the morning comes back home to a new spot in the house. So each morning the kids have to look for the elf around the house. Oh, and you "adopt" him when you first get the book and need to give him a name, which Adella decided should be "presents". So we are formally introducing our family elf... Presents.


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