Sunday, July 26, 2009

Adella's Closet

We have hit so many milestones in the last couple of weeks, I don't even know where to begin...

Adella has learned how to pull herself up on just about everything. We are greeted every morning and after every nap to her standing in her crib yapping and pointing to all the pacifiers she threw out. It's a new game that we're not too happy about, as it cuts about an hour off of her sleep time. Normally she would suck on her pacifier and sleep till about 8:30 or 9 but NOW she likes to throw everything out of her crib, watch it drop to the ground, point at it, then cry for it... between 6:30-7:30 am.

She loves the stairs and flocks to them all day so we had to install gates to keep her off. Now she holds onto the gates, points at the stairs, and does her little gurgle sound that she makes when she wants something.

Adella's two top teeth have popped through, with a gap and all... (something Tim forgot to mention he had when he was little)They are huge too!!

I can't remember if I mentioned this before but she knows how to give a high five. A couple of days ago I asked her where her toes were and she pointed and grabbed them... so now it's a new game we play "Where are your toes?". We're working on eyes, nose and mouth, but it gets a little confusing.

She gives kisses now, or leans in to kind of give a kiss when asked for one. "Doggy" and "Dadda" are still her favorite words, but I get a "Mama" every once in a while.

ANNNNNDDDD I have successfully weaned!! It all started about a week ago, we gradually added whole milk to bottles and now it's almost 100% whole milk.

It's kind of sad.... all these huge things happening all at once.

One of Adella's most favorite places to play is in her closet :). She LOVES to pull out all of her shoes and try to get them on, as well as look through all the lovely pieces hanging. I don't blame her, it's one of my most favorite things to do as well. It just makes me happy.


Adella recently had her first taste of watermelon, and now I have been sure to always have one on hand...

Monday, July 6, 2009

11 months

Only one more month until the big 1st BIRTHDAY!!!!

Tim and I have decided not to have a big birthday party for Adella, we're going to save that one for when she turns 2. Instead we plan on spending the day at Disneyland / California Adventure, as we are annual passport holders now :) You can have a little birthday party lunch at one of the restaurants where they will bring a mini 4" cake and characters will sing happy birthday. It's more for our enjoyment, Tim loves Disneyland and Adella doesn't quite "get it" yet. Her Birthday is on a Thursday so hopefully we will avoid the crazy summer weekend rush... but who knows.

Adella is getting really good at crawling and is all over the place. It was a lot easier when we could just plop her down on the ground and know she would be there for a while. So now I am mopping and vacuuming just about everyday! Almost everyday... She eats just about everything now and loves to try whatever we are having. She still points at everything and will even do a double point. We're not positive but it seems like she knows our names, mama and dada. We have a little baby album that we put pictures in and practice saying names. She claps and bobs to music and laughs at everything. Still not quite walking yet, she could do it on her own but needs to build up confidence. But we're OK with that... not ready for walking yet!! And I am on the final countdown of nursing days.... almost done!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Here is a link to a bunch of recent photo's on shutterfly, click below.

July 4th

Tim and I found out Leslee was going to Palm Springs for the 4th to stay at her friends house and somehow we (Tim) managed to impose on their trip and tag along... We had so much fun there and it was soo relaxing for all of us. We needed it after all the craziness of flying back east with Adella. We spent two days there playing in the pool and enjoying Rich and Heidi's amazing house. Adella did so well there and surprisingly loved crawling around on the sprawling floors. (Her crawl space is limited at our house) She had her first popsicle with the help of Tim and somehow ended up having more than just one! We got her a little kiddie pool that was put in the shade for her to hang out in while we basked in the desert sun. We took a whole bunch of pictures and I am currently uploading them to shutterfly. Will post the link once the 300+ photo's have been uploaded but here are a few in the mean time...

The house
Probably the coolest chair I have ever seen and Adella made it even coolah
Ahhh the good life
Sticky, sweaty, popsicle, palm springs hair

Staying coo in the poo
This was NOT my idea... to put a naked baby on a white italian leather couch

Beach BBQ

Tim, Adella and I got together with some friends last week for a BBQ and bonfire at the beach. Adella loves the beach and always points to go to the water and chase down seagulls. She doesn't seem to be too scared of the ocean and walks right up to the edge even with the waves crashing onto the shore. It was fun to watch the girls interact and play together and it gave us all a nice little break while they entertained each other.

This was the only picture where they were all looking at the camera... (Devon, Adella, and Abby)


Adella had Spaghettios for the first time today. We got her the one's with meatballs and she seemed to like those best. Maybe this is more exciting for us than anyone else... but we both have so many memories of eating spaghettios. Here is a progression of photo's from this first experience.

It started off pretty clean
Then it got a bit messy.
After a while you just don't care
This is the face she makes when she is full and doesn't want to eat anymore. She does this with her mouth and breaths dramatically in and out of her nose
Full face


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