Sine we got a late start on everything Christmas, we have been rushing around this past week trying to get a tree, decorations, lights and all the other stuff done for the holidays. The house is coming together and looking quite festive!
Unfortunately Tim has to work Christmas day this year so we're trying to figure out if we will have our "Christmas morning" on the 24th or really early on the 25th... I'm thinking the 24th :) Adella likes to sleep in now... :) So we'll probably head up to the firehouse again for another Holiday. Can't wait for the food!
Adella is such a happy baby. She loves people, especially the elderly (is that correct?), and gives them the biggest grins. She probably knows they are grandma's, as she's already caught on to the whole spoiling thing. But people love to admire her whenever were out and about and she just eats it up. All she wants to do is stand, and will fuss if we don't help her out. It's crazy how much she has changed in only four months.
Here are a few pics from this past week!

Adella likes the big guy... the photographer missed her first smile when she sat in his lap, it was huge!!
Our tree, a lot smaller than the past few years
At the Christmas tree farm
Whatchu doin near my tree?