Thursday, July 31, 2008


Still no change...

I am not even a half a centimeter dilated and I plan to try a castor oil cocktail next week if things don't get moving!

She is still so active though. We saw Batman the other night and she was doing some sort of dance in there, I think it might have been from the loud base or something. 

Next appointment is Tuesday, hopefully we will have better news then.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Earthquake...

Did not scare me into labor... but it was a little weird feeling everything shake so much. Tim thought it was pretty cool, but I have never felt one so strong since living in California. 

I took a long walk on the trails today hoping to get things going, and ate a ton of spicy Peruvian food... but no change! She's still rolling around like a little alien in there and doesn't seem to be in any rush to get out of her warm, squishy environment. I don't blame her...

Next doctor appointment is on Thursday, hopefully we will have some good news then!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

2 More weeks

So it looks like it will be another couple of weeks before she is here. The doctor said she has dropped more but not much else has changed. Please leave any suggestions and old wives tales on how to get labor going.... we're ready for her to be here. The doctor suggested I take walks on hills or on the beach.

Also, Tim rolled his ankle while "exercising" at work last week, turns out he fractured his ankle and is off on injury leave for about 4-6 weeks.... perfect timing! Poor guy, it's not easy lounging by the pool with a bottle of wine everyday. Now if only she would come a little early...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Count Down Begins...

The baby is now full term!! We saw the doctor today and she said it would probably be a few more weeks till she is born, so we are keeping the same due date. I am about 50% effaced, meaning she has started to drop down but not dilated yet. She thinks the baby will be around 8 pounds at birth... and hopefully not much bigger than that. Turns out I was 9 pounds 2 ounces, yikes!! Right now she is weighing in around 6-6 1/2 pounds. I could have sworn she was more like twenty... or was hoping the weight was all "baby" not burrito.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

4 More weeks to go!

The first post!! Only 4 more weeks till the big due date!! She is still very active, despite the limited space, rolling and kicking around all the time. Here are a couple pictures of her finished nursery... Sure hope it's still a girl!!!


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